

conduct, either in whole or any part of, an investigation into an aircraft accident or serious incident upon delegation by a State of Occurrence in the BAG Sub-Region, by mutual arrangement and consent between the State of Occurrence and the BAGAIA with international standard
to improve aviation safety by ensuring a high level of efficiency, expediency, and quality of civil aviation safety investigations in the States party to the Banjul Accord Group Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the `Member States’), the sole objective of which is the prevention of future accidents and incidents without apportioning blame or liability
strengthen cooperation and collaboration between Member States in respect to the investigation of aircraft accidents and serious incidents
develop a common set of regulations in the area of accident investigation compliant with the provisions of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention and taking into account the delegation of the conduct of an investigation into an aircraft accident or serious incident to the BAGAIA, by any one of the Member States.
develop common guidance materials and investigator handbooks, manuals and checklists for use in the investigation of accidents and serious incidents that occur in all the Member States;
develop and implement procedures for the sharing of information on accidents and serious incidents within the BAG Sub-Region and internationally;
develop and implement procedures aimed at facilitating relations between investigative teams and local authorities in States of Occurrence within the BAG Sub-Region, to enable the unimpeded investigation of accidents and serious incidents;
support the accident and incident prevention efforts of the Member States;
The BAGAIA shall mobilize and solicit technical and financial resources from external sources for the purpose of investigating accidents and serious incidents
monitor the accident investigation activities of the Member States to ensure that they are in line with the ICAO objectives and plan,
monitor and provide inputs to Member States on the formulation of ICAO SARPs in the area of accident investigation
establish appropriately equipped and trained accident investigative-teams'
conduct, either in whole or any part of, an investigation into an aircraft accident or serious incident upon delegation by a State of Occurrence in the BAG Sub-Region, by mutual arrangement and consent between the State of Occurrence and the BAGAIA
provide technical and on-the-job training for accident investigators;
perform any other function that may be necessary for the proper investigation of accidents and serious incidents under this Agreement.